Renewable & Sustainable Energy Strategy
Chayton Capital's Renewable & Sustainable Energy strategy focuses on a variety of jurisdictions in both emerging and developed markets, including the United States, Central and Eastern Europe, Africa or South East Asia.
Circular Economy Strategy
Chayton Capital has significant bench strength in Circular Economy projects, with partners within its network that have developed industrial scale projects in excess of US$2bn.
Chayton has the ability to underwrite and structure socially responsible investments utilizing its deep international network of Capital Partners including Infrastructure Equity and Debt. In addition, Chayton can target alliances with select and proven technology partners to bring to market commercial scale projects with no carbon debt. Our expertise stems in evaluating best in class technologies to fit a specific purpose, packaged in a de-risked manor to deliver world class projects.
Atlas Agriculture
The Chayton Atlas Agriculture investment vehicle was launched in 2009 with target markets that included Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania and Zambia. The investment vehicle was supported by the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), the political risk insurance arm of the World Bank, with a $50 million guarantee. The investment vehicle was sold in 2012.