Investment Approach
Chayton's aim is to generate superior returns through innovative, socially responsible and sustainable investments with long term positive impact on environment and society. Our innovative investment approach brings together proprietary research and local sourcing with thorough, centralised investment evaluation and control. Our contacts throughout global emerging markets and particularly in Central and Eastern Europe give Chayton exceptional access in the regions where we operate. We partner with an extensive network of talented locally operating, technical, accounting and legal professionals, enabling us to source and manage unique and complex opportunities.
Our global exposure and hands on experience from multiple industries in both developed and emerging markets allow us to explore positive synergies and navigate through the rapid shifts in the geopolitical climate and technological innovations and apply best-in-class principles to maximize wealth creation while preserving positive social impact across the markets we operate.
Pre-acquisition, we focus on conducting primary research and completing extensive due diligence. Post-acquisition, we seek to add value through active asset and risk management. With real estate, this entails aggregation, re-zoning and efficient, targeted development. In agriculture, this includes creating economies of scale by operating within large production clusters; and diversifying through vertical integration. In renewables, this encompasses strong feedstock contracts, bankable PPA's or long term contracted offtakes alongside proven technology solutions.
We combine local sourcing with thorough, centralised investment evaluation and control. We conduct proprietary research, evaluating opportunities from a broad, top down perspective as well as assessing individual opportunities using models developed in-house. Chayton has an entrepreneurial and flexible team, which means that we can quickly take advantage of opportunities.
We maintain an extensive network of locally operating technical, accounting and legal partners. With respected reputations and outstanding track records in their markets, they contribute invaluable local knowledge and expertise. Chayton can efficiently leverage these relationships to secure, structure, and manage highly attractive investment vehicles.
We have the ability to source off-market opportunities through regional advisors and staff on the ground in our markets. We believe that our contact throughout the region allows us to operate with local coverage at a very high level and stay ahead of market trends.